Tuesday, April 6, 2010


I don't know why I do this to myself.

Okay, not entirely true. I think I know on some level that I'm not currently willing to acknowledge. It's 5:46pm. I'm sitting in my bed, at home, while my 4:15pm class goes on in another state. I've sat here long enough that it will now also be impossible for me to make my 7:15pm class on time. I have no intentions of leaving any time soon. I know I'm probably missing material that I would benefit from having in class discussion on. I just don't care.

If school was right around the corner, I don't think it'd be such an issue. The fact that it's so far away... Of course this is a choice I made. I could live with my mom while I finished my degree, but that would come with its own set of challenges. I think the way things are now work specifically because we only see each other once a week.

I have to be up there for a whole week, just because of the way classes and other obligations are falling. I'm not looking forward to it. I don't want to be away from home for so long. I can't wait until May, and I'll be done, minus having to come up to take comps, but that can be spaced out over the summer.

I'm just seriously burned out. Not just on the work, but on the driving, which has become increasingly stressful the more my car declines. I'm definitely counting the days at this point.

I should probably get out of bed. I have to leave at some point soon. Meh.