Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Oh Crap, Now What?

So I graduated a week ago. Or rather, I participated in commencement activities. I won't have my degree in hand until I take my comprehensive exams, which I'm hoping to bang out before the summer is over.

I've been sitting at home, in denial for the past week. I have $14.93 in my bank account, bills that need to be paid, with no job on the horizon. The idea of working the same kind of shitty McJob I could've gotten with just a high school degree is rather unappealing, but the job market for academics is rather slim right now. What does one do with a MA in philosophy? Your guess is as good as mine.

I had this fantasy that I'd land a teaching job, but thanks to substantial education budget cuts (Fuck you very much, Chris Christie) in New Jersey, I don't know how realistic that is. There's the potential for an adjunct position at my undergrad university, but chances are I'd have to move, and 4 years in cow country was more than enough for me. I also kind of feel like if I do get a real offer from them, I can't refuse it, which makes me feel a little miserable. I love where I live, but the job opportunities? Not so much. Moving might not be optional at this point.

Additionally, I have court tomorrow for two parking tickets that I can't pay. I'm going to try to convince them to allow me to set up a payment plan. Where I live, if you have more than one unpaid ticket, they'll issue a bench warrant (seriously? For 2 parking tickets? You'd think I stabbed someone). Kind of seems like a waste of tax payer money...oh wait, it is. Although I have a friend with about a dozen unpaid parking tickets and they haven't hunted him down yet, so maybe I'm safe. I live a block from the police department though, so it's not like they couldn't find me.

Tomorrow, I think I'm going to take the bus into the city and just hand out resumes to anyone who will take them. Right now, I'd like a career, but a job might not be a bad start.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Insert Some Pithy Dialogue Here, My Brain Is Fried

I just turned in my last assignment of the semester.

Aside from a paper and some rewrites for a class I'm taking an NG in (t obe completed over the summer), I'm done all of my graduate school course work. Only comps stand between me and my degree.

I feel like I should do something to celebrate, but all I want to do right now is eat some junk food and go to sleep.