Friday, June 18, 2010

Oh Look, An Update

I haven't felt like updating. I talked to my mom for the first time in about a month today. When she asked where I'd been, I told her lurking in my hidey hole of despairr and self-pity. I haven't really gone anywhere or seen anyone since graduation, with the exception of a trip up to Pittsburgh to visit a friend.

Dozens of applications and resumes later, and I'm still unemployed. Having an MA is like being in purgatory-if I'm not overqualified, I'm under experienced. Boo. Meanwhile, the bills are piling up and I'm just hoping and praying the phone company doesn't shut my shit off. Ditto for the electric. And the internet. Avoiding my landlord? Maybe a little. But then again, when you're a recluse, it's not very hard to avoid people.

When it rains, it pours, though. Today, I had an interview at a car dealership, of all places. It's a sales position, hourly plus commission, so I could make $50,000-70,000 a year. The idea of making enough money to pay bills, pay off debts, and have a little for scratch is squee worthy. The interview went really well. I felt like I really clicked with the interviewer, and I really sold myself, both my experience with the brand (my whole family drives cars from this company) and my experience with hard selling. He spent a lot of time outlining the ins and outs of the job to me, which I feel lie he wouldn't have done if he didn't think I'd end up getting the job. I should be hearing about a second interview early next week. Of course, I will be like a high tension wire between now and then.

Then, of course, after I'm pretty sure I've sealed the deal on this car thing (punny, right?), I get 3 emails responding to a craigslist ad I had posted advertising myself as a babysitter, from people who need full time childcare. I've been sitting here, debating how to respond. On the one hand, I feel pretty good about the dealership, but on the other, I'm a pessimist. I don't want to turn these people down just to have the dealershop not pan out. But if I say yes and then get the job, those people will be screwed. Which I guess isn't really my problem if they get the shit stick, but I try to be a better person that that.

It's beautiful out, and still light out. I may go sprawl on the beach, because I can. If I do get this job, I won't have so much leisure time. But heck, I'm not complaining.